
Bestyrelsen for Dansk Forskningscenter for Lungekræft har givet tilskud til flg. forskningsprojekter:

CP1: Screening for lungekræft Rekruttering af traditionel svær-at-nå storrygende befolkning LUNGREACH

CP2: Early detection of lung cancer in general practice by blood samples – a prospective national observational study

CP3: Improves imaging: De-CT and textural analysis in comparison with 18-FDG PET/CT, for evaulation of tumor, metastases and lymph nodes in lung cancer.

CP4: The efficacy of combining endoscopic modalities for the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary lesions

CP5: Værdien af PET/CT og liquid biopsy (blodprøver) til opfølgning af patienter behandlet for lungekræft (SUPE_R) 

CP6: Improves Radiotherapy and medical treatment 

CP7: Prognostic value of functional capacity in patients with lung cancer 

CP8: Patient Reported Outcomes used for Weekly Internet-based Decetion of progressive disease in lung cancer; a randomized controlled trial: ProWide 

CP9: START-projektet: Støtte Til At igangsætte Rygestop under Thorax-udredning

CP10: Lungecancerepidemiologi “Long-term Survival of Danish lung Cancer Patients 

AP1: The clinical potential of artificial intellegence in early detecion of lung cancer 

AP2: Improved treatment adherence in socially vulnerable lung cancer patients. A clinical randomized intervention project

AP3: Dynamisk måling af behandlingsrespons ved avanceret NSCLC

AP4: Onkologidata i Dansk Lunge Cancer Register

AP5: Effect of singing training in post-operated lung cancer patients

AP6: The APPLAUS study

AP7: OBS PR0 MESO-PROJEKT – Tidlig diagnostik og prædiktion af behandlingseffekt i malignt mesoteliom

AP8: Evaluering af paraneoplastiske neurale autoantistoffer

AP9: Singing for Lung Health

AP10: Bedre Langtidsoverlevelse for Danske Lungekræftpatienter

AP11: Lungekræft hos den ældre, skrøbelige patient

AP12:  Sarcopenia – an overlooked prognostic indicator in lung cancer

AP13: Lungekræft hos patienter under 50 år. Incidens, prognose og de socialøkonomiske konsekvenser

AP14: Improving genomic profiling and reducing time to cancer treatment via targeted use of endoscopic ultrasound (IMPROVED)

AP15: Måling af behandlingseffekt via blodprøver ved avanceret ikke-småcellet lungekræft – et randomiseret interventionsstudie

AP16: Risikoen for venøse tromboembolier hos patienter med lungekræft i stadium IIIA samt stadium IIIb+IV


Associeret projekt:
Venous thromboembolism